Parts are available with capacitance values of between 4.7µF and 1000uf and voltage ratings of 6.3VDC to 50VDC. 4mm, 5mm and 6.3mm diameter components specify an extended load life of 2000 hours, whilst 8mm diameter parts are rated to 5000 hours (both at 105ºC). Larger case size devices (10mm, 12.5mm and 16mm diameter) from the NAZT range are suited to lower SAC solder alloy processes of between 235ºC and 250ºC. All devices in the series have an operating temperature range of -40ºC to +105ºC. Each part number contains a peak soldering heat code for ease of reference. The NAZT series is supplied in tape and reel packaging ready for automated pick-and-place assembly processes.