Electronics News
Archive : March 2018 год
27.03.2018 - 23:35
A bright-light emitting device that is millimetres wide and fully transparent when turned off has been built by a team of engineers at the University of California (UC), Berkeley. The light emitting material is a monolayer semiconductor, which is just three atoms thick. According to the team, this discovery could pave the way in creating i...
27.03.2018 - 23:28
As the race for quantum computing continues, so does the development into quantum technologies targeted to neturalise the threat of hacking.Classical cryptographic algorithms are complexity-based and can remain secure only for a certain period of time. Unlike its classical counterpart, quantum cryptography relies on the fundamental laws of phys...
27.03.2018 - 23:20
Using gold nanomaterials combined with a hybrid glass material, scientists from from RMIT University and the Wuhan Institute of Technology say they have demonstrated a new type of high-capacity optical disk that can hold data securely for more than 600 years. This gold-generated next-generation optical disk is said to have up to 10TB c...
20.03.2018 - 23:04
Future Facilities has launched Release 12 of its thermal simulation software, 6SigmaET. The latest release incorporates a number of significant modelling enhancements that the company says will help to boost overall simulation speed.Release 12 includes a prototype virtual reality (VR) visualisation mode. In what it claims is a world first featu...
20.03.2018 - 22:58
Xilinx has announced, what it describes as, a new breakthrough product category called Adaptive Compute Acceleration Platform (ACAP) that provides capabilities significantly beyond that of an FPGA.An ACAP is a highly integrated multi-core heterogeneous compute platform that can be changed at the hardware level to adapt to the needs of a wide ra...
20.03.2018 - 18:52
Electronics design consultancy ByteSnap Design and a consortium of partners have been awarded a two-year collaborative project VIGIL (Vehicle-to-Grid Intelligent Control) under a Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) competition, funded by the Office for Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV) and the Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS).ByteSnap...