With per-channel current output selectable from 2mA to 50mA, and constant-current output voltage up to 17V the TCA62746 is suitable for use with a wide variety of high-brightness LEDs. The operating voltage range, from 4.5V to 5.5V, allows direct integration with standard logic circuitry. Two 24-pin SSOP surface-mount package styles are available, offering a choice of 0.65mm lead pitch or 1.00mm pitch. Additional features enabling versatile LED control include greyscale dimming using an external PWM signal, an integrated Power On Reset as well as on-chip diagnostics. Furthermore an output delay circuit is also integrated, which minimises switching noise when multiple outputs are simultaneously turned on or off. The TCA62746 is functionally compatible with the existing Toshiba TB62706B and TB62726A BiCMOS 16-channel drivers.
Source: www.channel-e.biz