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Archive : 5 February 2008 год

09:02Differential 105 MS/s Digitizer
Most high-speed digitizers on the market have GND related single-ended inputs as a standard. But for some applications where noise induction may be a problem the connection of differential signals is a must. Focussed on these applications, the German manufacturer Spectrum has extended his range of fast 12 bit digitizers by a difference option. The M2i.30xx series – available as PCI/PCI-X as well as PCI Express version – has a total of 17 different versions with 1 to 4 channels and sampling rates between 40 MS/s and 200 MS/s.

 Most of the 2 and 4 channel versions are available together with the difference input option. Activated by a simple software command the card hardware can combine two single-ended channels into one difference channel. With this as an example the M2i.3024 can either operate in single-ended mode with 2 channels and 105 MS/s or 4 channels and 50 MS/s. When activating the difference option the same card can operate 2 channels with 105 MS/s in differential mode. The difference calculation is done in real time on the digitised data using the selected sampling rate forming 13 bit wide samples. All cards have a completely synchronous design as a common feature. Each input channel has its separately programmable input amplifier with ranges between +/-200 mV and +/-10 V as well as a separate ADC.

 Data is acquired into the up to 2 GSample large on-board memory. This memory can also be used completely as a FIFO buffer allowing to continuously transfer data to the PC with up to 220 MB/s. This can per example be used for online analysis or life time tests. A lot of customer suggestions and wishes have been incorporated into the design resulting in a huge variety of powerful features. The Multiple Recording mode per example allows to acquire multiple trigger events that come with a very fast repetition rate. The dead time is only 4 samples resulting in the trigger engine being re-armed after only 40 ns when running with 100 MS/s. The number of segments to be acquired is only limited by the installed memory.

 All cards of the M2i series – being in total more than 100 different models – may be synchronised using the internal sync-bus. This allows to generate massive parallel acquisition systems with more than 1000 channels as well as mixed mode systems with A/D, D/A and Digital I/O cards used synchronised. The card is delivered with drivers for Windows 2000, XP, Vista as well as Linux kernel 2.4 and 2.6. On all operating systems the 32 bit as well as the 64 bit versions are supported. The easy-to-program drivers and the powerful examples together with the detailed documentation allow a fast development of own applications. As known from Spectrum there are also drivers for MATLAB, LabVIEW, LabWindows, DASYLab and VEE available.