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Archive : 15 January 2008 год

09:54North-European deal: Data Respons buys Lundovina
The Norwegian company, Data Respons has purchased the shares of the Swedish Lundovina Company and will take over its 35 workers. Data Respons was founded in 1986 and offers products for AdvancedTCA, CompactPCI, industry PCs, LCD monitors, mass memory, motherboards, panel PCs, PC/104 solutions and VME hardware. In the year 2006 the company had a turnover of 393 m NOK (approximately 50.3 m Euro) and achieved a net profit of 38.4 m NOK (approximately 4.9 m Euro). At present Data Respons employs 364 people and has subsidiaries in Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Germany.

 Lundinova, which was founded in 2001, develops solutions for embedded applications, HF, audio and opto-electronics. Its turnover in 2007 will be approximately 34 m SEK (approximately 3.6 m Euro) with an EBIT of approximately 10%. The purchase amount will be made dependent on the further business development to 2009 but will be at least 15 m SEK (approximately 1.6 m Euro).