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Southampton joins with Singapore for $100m Photonics Institute

Electronics News
10 years ago

Southampton joins with Singapore for $100m Photonics Institute

Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore has established the Photonics Institute, developed from a partnership between NTU and the Optoelectronics Research Centre (ORC) at the University of Southampton.

The $100m Photonics Institute will comprise five research centres, addressing: optical fibre technology; disruptive photonic technologies; semiconductor lighting and displays; optical and laser engineering; and a photonics centre of excellence. 

The Institute, which will house 120 scientists, is being directed by NTU professors Tjin Swee Chuan and Nikolay Zheludev, and ORC director Professor Sir David Payne, pictured left with Singapore's Minister of State Teo Ser Luck.

Graham Pitcher


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