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Automotive Certification for Actel FPGAs

Electronics News
16 years ago

Automotive Certification for Actel FPGAs

Actel has received ISO/TS 16949:2002 certification. When combined with AEC-Q100 Grade 1 and Grade 2 qualification of its ProASIC 3 devices and the company’s Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) documentation, the certification ensures that customers can deploy automotive FPGA products. Actel’s flash-based FPGA devices offer low power and critical firm error immunity levels not achieved by SRAM-based solutions. This allows a wide variety of transportation vehicles – from standard automobiles to trucks and locomotives. To date, more than 70 percent of the company’s automotive-grade, flash-based devices are used in ”under-the-hood” applications such as powertrain, safety and transmission control modules.

 Last year, Actel announced that the ProASIC3 family was the first to achieve AEC-Q100 Grade 1 and Grade 2 qualification. Qualification verifies that ProASIC3 devices can operate in extended junction temperature ranges (-40 to +135°C). Ultra low static power of 40 mA at 135°C enables the devices to endure extreme temperatures for longer periods of time without thermal reliability or runaway concerns. The ProASIC3 family also features on-chip flash memory for FPGA switch control, making them immune to neutron-induced firm errors which can cause configuration upsets-a mandatory requirement in an industry driving toward zero defects. Actel’s automotive-grade products therefore provide the first viable alternative to complex and costly application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) technology in under-the-hood applications.

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