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5G chipset

Electronics News
7 years ago

5G chipset development

A 5G test platform to help support test development for devices such as baseband chips has been announced by Anritsu.

Working with Qualcomm Technologies, Anritsu says its platform, the next generation communication system beyond 4G LTE, is designed to support Qualcomm Technologies in an effort to commercialise next generation 5G NR technologies.

The test platform has been designed for technology required by ultrafast large-capacity 5G communications, such as wideband signal processing and beamforming architectures. Anritsu says that its platform supports millimeter-wave and sub-6 GHz RF tests as well as protocol tests.

Anritsu hopes that by offering measurement solution to support early deployment of 5G services, it will play a key role in the transition from 4G LTE to 5G systems to make these networks and mobile devices ‘a commercial reality in 2019’.

Bethan Grylls


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