The on-board memory size is one of the key features of fast A/D and D/A cards. When using slow sampling rates in the area of kHz or a few MHz data can normally be stored online in the PC memory without big problems. But when using higher sampling rates one needs a big on-board memory to store data on the card.
Since March 2008 Spectrum, the specialist for fast PC based data acquisition and generation, is equipping all cards of the M2i series with a standard memory of 256 MByte (128 MSample at 12/14/16 bit analog resolution). With this standard memory one can per example acquire one 8 bit channel with 200 MS/s for more than 1 second. While the old standard memory of 64 MByte was located in the upper middleclass when being compared to the competitors the newly available 256 MByte of standard memory for the PCI, PCI-X and PCI Express cards of Spectrum is top of the range world-wide. Alike the maximum memory of 4 GByte (2 GSample on 12/14/16 bit analog resolution) is top of the range. Even with the increased standard memory the base card has been reduced in parts in price. All memory option prices have also been reduced allowing to have more on-board memory with the same budget. In total these new standard memory equipment is valid for the complete range of M2i and M2i Express cards – being in total more than 100 different A/D, D/A and Digital I/O models available with 256 MByte now.
All cards of the M2i series may be synchronised using the internal sync-bus. This allows to generate massive parallel acquisition systems with more than 1000 channels as well as mixed mode systems with A/D, D/A and Digital I/O cards used synchronised. The card is delivered with drivers for Windows 2000, XP, Vista as well as Linux kernel 2.4 and 2.6. On all operating systems the 32 bit as well as the 64 bit versions are supported. The easy-to-program drivers and the powerful examples together with the detailed documentation allow a fast development of own applications. As known from Spectrum there are also drivers for MATLAB, LabVIEW, LabWindows, DASYLab and VEE available.
Electronics News
256 Kbyte standard memory for more than 100 A/D and D/A cards
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