Electronics News
Archive : July 2015 год
07.07.2015 - 23:20
Researchers at MIT and the University of British Columbia claim to have found a promising new approach to delivering the short, but intense, bursts of power needed by wearable electronic devices. The trick, they say, is to use yarns made from niobium nanowires 140nm in diameter as the electrodes in tiny supercapacitors – pairs of nanowires wi...
07.07.2015 - 23:17
The Arduino Yun WiFi microcontroller board has been redesigned in a more compact housing so that it can be used with a breadboard. This is said to make prototyping easier.Called the Yun Mini – and available from RS Components – the board has approximate PCB dimensions of 70 x 23mm, less than half the area required by the Arduino Yun...
07.07.2015 - 23:07
The AMALTHEA4public project is attempting to develop more powerful computers and complex software for autonomous vehicles to help them become more intelligent. The project, headed up by Bosch, comprises a team of 21 international technology specialists looking to develop embedded systems with central processing units that work in parallel.Today...
07.07.2015 - 23:00
The BBC has officially launched micro:bit, a codeable computer that will be distributed free of charge in October to every child in year 7 or the equivalent across the UK.The device, part of the BBC's Make It Digital initiative, is intended to build on the heritage of the BBC Micro by inspiring young people to get creative and to develop a...
07.07.2015 - 20:27
Freescale has licensed Rochester Electronics to provide a continuing manufacturing solution for its MC68040 32bit microprocessor product family. The agreement between Freescale and Rochester provides customers of the legacy MPUs with access to a secure and reliable source of parts for continued product supply after Freescale announced the discontin...
07.07.2015 - 20:17
Harvard researchers have created surface plasmon wakes on a metallic surface and claim they can be controlled and steered. The team believes their work could lead to new types of plasmonic couplers, as well as lenses that could create two dimensional holograms or focus light at the nanoscale."The ability to control light is a powerful one,...
07.07.2015 - 20:13
RF silicon on insulator (SOI) pioneer Peregrine Semiconductor has announced UltraCMOS 11, said to be the industry's first RF SOI technology. By moving to 300mm wafers, the company says it is opening the door to new enhancements and advanced features in future generations of the UltraCMOS technology platform."For more than 25 years, Per...
07.07.2015 - 20:09
Cyber attacks are said to cost UK businesses £18billion in lost revenue and £16billion in increased IT spending per year as a result of breaches. This causes reputation and brand damage due to customer data loss and lost revenue due to down time. According to the Information Security Breaches Survey, put together by the Centre of Econom...
05.07.2015 - 23:32
Imec has announced that it and its partners have completed a three-year programme to make a variety of silicon photonics technologies accessible for industry and academia worldwide. Within the ESSenTIAL programme, funded by the European Commission, imec has worked to develop advanced multi-project-wafer services (MPW) and packaging services for sil...
05.07.2015 - 23:29
Altera has joined the Open Platform for NFV (OPNFV), a community-led, industry-supported, open-source reference platform for network function virtualisation (NFV). NFV uses IT technologies to virtualise entire classes of network node functions into building blocks that may be connected, or chained, to create communication services.Joining worki...