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Schematic circuit STV receivers Humax F1 series

Videotechnics circuits
9 years ago

Schematic circuit STV receivers Humax F1 series

Name:Schematic circuit STV receivers Humax F1 series
Model:Humax F1 series
Description of schematic diagram, service manual:

The archive shows the circuit of a PTS receivers Humax F1 series

1) Linear power supply

2) Clock generator for TDA8043 (TDA8044)

3) TS-Interface

4) Surge Protectors

5) QPSK-demodulyator

6) Keys voltage 7.5 V, 5 V and 3.3 V

7) The ACK signal generator

8) CI-Interface 1

9) CI-Interface 2

11) FLASH-Memory


13) The stabilizer 5V controller signals STBY and PWRON

14) Interface SMART-Map 1

15) Interface SMART-Card 2

16) Modem Interface

17) The controller front panel

18) The decoder MPEG-2

19) Video encoder "digital / analog"

20) The DAC beeps

21) RF modulator

22) Video / audio matrix CXA1855Q

23) SCART Interface

24) Serial interface for connection to PC

25) Video / audio matrix STV6411AD

26) Interface nodes front and back panels

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Adding date:24.04.2015
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