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Circuits LCD TV sets LE23R51B, LE26R51B, LE32R51B, LE40R51B of SAMSUNG

Tvsets circuits
10 years ago

Circuits LCD TV sets LE23R51B, LE26R51B, LE32R51B, LE40R51B of SAMSUNG

Name:Circuits LCD TV sets LE23R51B, LE26R51B, LE32R51B, LE40R51B of SAMSUNG
Model:SAMSUNG LE23R51B/LE26R51B/LE32R51B/LE40R51B
Description of schematic diagram, service manual:

The archive is a schematic diagram of LCD TV LE23R51B, LE26R51B, LE32R51B, LE40R51B of SAMSUNG: 

1) Schematic diagram of a standby 

2) Schematic diagram of the power supply base chassis 

3) Schematic diagram of the power inverter backlight 

4) Oscillograms at the control points 

5) Schematic diagram of the tuner-input? Output signals 

6) The concept of the video unit 

7) Schematic diagram of the audio block and processor of high resolution 

8) Schematic diagram of the control processor

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Adding date:27.10.2014
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