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Nokia N70 Smartphone

Phones electrical circuits and service manual
15 years ago

Nokia N70 Smartphone


Name:Nokia N70 Smartphone
Model:Nokia N70 Smartphone
Description of schematic diagram, service manual:The archive contains basic scheme smartphone nokia N70 and the following sections:

1) Module Bluetooth + FM

2) Interface connector

3) The controller power RETU. Audio. The interface of SIM cards.

4) The controller TAHVO. The interface of flash-memory. DC / DC converter power supply lights the display.

5) Processor RAP3G. Memory SDRAM and FLASH.

6) The main processor is OMAP. Combination memory. Interface cells

7) Connectors keyboard and display.

8) transceiver
Download count:62223
File size:28533 Кб
Adding date:25.05.2009
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  • Rubin/26.02.2012 - 04:26

    You guys need to learn how to drop those tlgonoehcies from the user-agent, the current one seems quite ridiculous, it includes all known browsers and rendering engines .

  • dedi/02.02.2010 - 07:57

    ok thanks

  • dedi/02.02.2010 - 07:56

    ok coy

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