Hectronic has announced the H6043, a ARM9-based embedded Linux PC board. Measuring 52.5mm x 20mm, it is the smallest Linux computer available today and comes ready-to-run with an open-source Linux Board Support Package (BSP), 32MB LVDRAM, 16MB Flash, SPI and I2C interfaces, GPIO and a USB2.0 port. Other memory configurations can be offered on request. The battery-powered board has an integrated Li-ion battery charger, powered via the USB port, and features a maximum power consumption of 450mA, and typical power consumption of just 100mA. An optional carrier board provides a dual USB host and expansion options include a button interface and an RFID module that connects via the SPI interface. A complementary debug board is available to accelerate development work. Typical applications include sensor control, alarm systems, e-health systems and instrumentation.
Where more design flexibility and connectivity is needed, Hectronic offers the H6042. This credit card sized board (55mm x 70mm) includes an ARM processor running Linux and a Xilinx Spartan 3E Flash FPGA. The H6042 allows developers to focus on application development by quickly defining the hardware requirements using the FPGA. This reduces development time and time to market.
The compact board is designed to dock onto carrier boards and a selection of interface adapters is available. Based on a 200 MHz Atmel91RM9200 processor, the board’s peripheral functions include 10/100 Mbit Ethernet, four serial ports, SPI and I2C interfaces, FPGA expansion ports, dual host USB ports and a USB device port. The H6042 has a flexible memory sub-system with 32MB Flash and 32MB SDRAM as standard configuration, other configurations can be offered on request. The H6090 development carrier board, that includes a variety of standard interface connectors for system integration, is also available. Hectronic supports both boards with free development tools, drivers, code examples and a complete, open source operating system as part of its Linux BSP.
Both modules are available now. For 100+ quantities, the H6043 costs from 99 USD each and the H6042 from 223 USD each. The H6042 pricing is with the Spartan 3E/500 on board.